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The Pope's butler Paolo Gabriele (bottom) arrives with Pope Benedict XVI at St. Peter's Square in Vatican, in this May 23, 2012 file photo. Pope Benedict's former butler, who was arrested two months ago in an investigation of leaks of documents alleging corruption in the Vatican, has written to the pontiff asking for forgiveness, his lawyer said on July 24, 2012. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi/Files (VATICAN - Tags: RELIGION CRIME LAW)
圖片來源: Reuters

梵蒂岡司法部門對教皇本篤十六世的前貼身侍從保羅‧加布裡埃勒(Paolo Gabriele)涉嫌洩漏本篤十六世的機密資料提出起訴。他被指控犯有嚴重的偷竊罪。梵蒂岡發言人隆巴迪(Federico Lombardi)表示,調查法官同時對梵蒂岡國務院的分析師與程式設計師夏爾佩萊蒂Claudio Sciarpelletti)