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Employees of the Bank of Cyprus take part in a rally, in solidarity with crisis-hit Cypriots, outside the headquarters of the bank in Athens March 20, 2013. Cyprus pleaded for a new loan from Russia on Wednesday to avert a financial meltdown, after the island's parliament rejected the terms of a bailout from the EU, raising the risk of default and a bank crash. REUTERS/John Kolesidis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
圖片來源: Reuters


歐元集團主席戴塞爾布魯姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)警告說,塞普勒斯危機有可能危及歐元。戴塞爾布魯姆周四(3月21日)在歐盟議會上對議員們表示,「現在的局面無疑是一種系統性的風險,過去數天出現的動蕩證實了這一點」。歐元區內對作為小國家的塞普勒斯財政問題是否會讓歐元淪入危險境地的看法不盡相同。尤其是德國一再質疑塞普勒斯對歐元而言是否具有危及整個體系的風險。根據歐盟的一項協議,只有在被確定為系統性風險的前提下,才能從歐元拯救基金—歐洲穩定機制(ESM)中撥出救助貸款。

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