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GettyImages 156004633 SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 11: Old Diggers sing after the Rememberance Day Service held at the Cenotaph, Martin Place on November 11, 2012 in Sydney, Australia. Rememberance Day is observed to recall the end of World War I hostilities. A one minute silence is called at 11.00am on the 11th day of the 11th month to remembers the members of armed forces who were killed at battle. (Photo by Craig Golding/Getty Images)
美國退伍軍人節圖片來源: Getty Images


11月11日美國退伍軍人節之際,歐巴馬總統向所有參加過以往戰爭的美國退伍軍人表示了敬意。歐巴馬在阿靈頓國家公墓(Arlington National Cemetery)敬獻了花圈後說,「你們的功績將永遠不會被遺忘。」同時,歐巴馬回顧了2009年他作為總統第一次在退伍軍人節上發表的講話。他說,當時他做的許多承諾都已經實現,如結束了伊拉克戰爭、消滅了恐怖組織頭目本‧拉登以及削弱了「基地」恐怖組織的網路。

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