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FILE - In this Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013 citizen journalism image provided by the United media office of Arbeen which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, members of the UN investigation team take samples from sand near a part of a missile that is likely to be one of the chemical rockets according to activists, in the Damascus countryside of Ain Terma, Syria. Russia's proposal to place Syria's chemical weapons stockpile under international control for dismantling would involve a lengthy and complicated operation made more difficult by a deep lack of trust. Syria is believed by experts to have 1,000 tons of chemical warfare agents scattered over several dozen sites across the country, and just getting them transferred while fighting rages presents a logistical and security nightmare. (AP Photo/United media office of Arbeen)
圖片來源: picture alliance/AP Photo

比利時拒絕在該國境內銷毀敘利亞化學武器。比利時國防部長德克雷姆(De Crem)在布魯塞爾表示,他認為在敘利亞國內銷毀化學武器是更好的辦法,由於運輸具有相當的難度,因此他不認為在比利時進行銷毀工作有可行性。此前,挪威和阿爾巴尼亞已經拒絕在本國銷毀敘利亞化武。下一個被列入考慮範圍的國家是法國,因為法國和比利時一樣,曾經在一戰後銷毀過遺留下的大量化學武器庫存。

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