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French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo's publisher, known only as Charb, speaks to journalists, on September 19, 2012 in Paris, at the headquarters, after showing the last issue which features on the front cover a satirical drawing titled 'Intouchables 2'. Inside pages contain several cartoons caricaturing the Prophet Mohammed. The magazine's decision to publish the cartoons came against a background of unrest across the Islamic world over a crude US-made film that mocks Mohammed and portrays Muslims as gratuitously violent. The title refers to 'Intouchables', a 2012 French movie, the most seen French movie abroad, which is selected to represent France for the Oscars nominees, according to one of his directors, Eric Toledano. AFP PHOTO FRED DUFOUR (Photo credit should read FRED DUFOUR/AFP/GettyImages)
Frankreich Satiremagazin Charlie Hebdo Karikatur圖片來源: Getty Images/AFP

法國嘲諷刊物《查理周刊》(CHARLIE HEBDO)在周三新一期的雜誌中刊登數張穆罕默德的漫畫後,法國外交部譴責這一行為是不明智的,是火上澆油。由於擔心發生騷亂,法國將在本周五關閉20個國家的法國使館、領事館以及法國學校。但法國政府也強調言論自由的權利。《查理周刊》刊登的漫畫主要圍繞在美國製作的一部反伊斯蘭的影片。

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