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epa03866917 Members of the Polish Newspaper Clubs with Trade unionists during a demonstration the fourth day of the Polish National Days of Protest in Warsaw, Poland, 14 September 2013. The OPZZ, together with the Solidarity trade union and the Forum of Trade Unions, confirmed in June that the protests would take place, after talks with the government broke down within the framework of the so-called Trilateral Commission. The original reason for the protests was prospective reforms to the labor code that allow for so-called _junk contracts_ (temporary contracts suited to casual labor in which employment rights are limited.) However, besides calls for the government to renege on its policy, the unions are also protesting against the already valid increase of the national retirement age to 67 for both sexes. Likewise, unionists are demanding the adoption of a law that will create a faster rate of increase for the minimum wage. EPA/RAFAL GUZ POLAND OUT
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

本周六(9月14日),數萬名波蘭民眾走上首都華沙的街頭,抗議總理圖斯克(Donald Tusk)的社會福利政策。示威抗議活動的發起者是當地工會,一名工會的發言人表示,讓本屆政府下台是改變波蘭政局現狀的唯一辦法。當地工會組織要求將法定退休年齡從67歲修改成65歲,同時要求提高最低薪水水準,給予勞工更多權益。過去幾天中,波蘭已經舉行過數起抗議總理圖斯克的示威活動。組織方聲稱,有大約23000人參與了本周三(9月11日)舉行的第一輪抗議示威活動,而官方掌握的數字是15000人。

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