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epa03031539 A undated handout photo provided by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Greater Mekong on 12 December 2011 shows a new psychedelic gecko species discovered this past year on Hon Khoai Island, Ca Mau Province, southern Vietnam. The six-country Mekong River region is so biologically rich that an average of one new species is discovered there every other day, the WWF said 12 December 2011. A snub-nosed, Elvis-coiffed monkey; a self-cloning, all-female lizard or five carnivorous plants are among the 208 new species discovered by scientists last year, the WWF said. The Greater Mekong region includes Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the south-western Chinese province of Yunnan. EPA/WORLD WILDLIFE FUND CAMBODIA/HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Neu entdeckter Gecko Vietnam圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


世界自然基金會宣佈,科學家2011年在越南發現36個新物種,在大湄公河流域發現126個新物種。其中,富國島(Phu Quoc)上發現一種可以用胸鰭在陸上移動的貓魚。此外,在越南南部潮濕、四季常青的森林裡還發現一種眼睛如黑白陰陽符號的蛙類。 世界自然基金會大湄公河物種計劃項目負責人同時指出,砍伐森林和過度捕撈可能威脅這些新物種的生存。過去十年裡,這裡的野生老虎的數量銳減70%,爪哇犀2010年已在越南絕跡。

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