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Zeichen der Annäherung: Nordkorea will seine Atomanlage Yongbyon nun doch abschalten. This Aug. 13, 2002 file photo is a satellite image provided by Space Imaging Asia of the Yongbyon Nuclear Center, located north of Pyongyang, North Korea. North Korea announced Thursday Oct. 6, 2008 that it is preparing to restart the facility that produced its atomic bomb, clearly indicating that it plans to completely pull out of an international deal to end its nuclear program. North Korea told the International Atomic Energy Agency that it was stopping the process of disabling its main nuclear site and barring international inspectors from the Yongbyon facility, the agency said. (AP Photo/Space Imaging Asia, File)
圖片來源: AP


美國科學家認為,北韓有可能在近期重新啟動寧邊核設施內的用於鈈濃縮的核反應堆。位於巴爾的摩的約翰—霍普金斯大學北韓研究所美國時間本周一(6月3日)通報說, 5月16日至22日拍攝的衛星照片顯示,朝方在該設施取得了「進展」,反應堆能夠在一至二個月內重新啟用。該研究所稱,寧邊核設施每年可生產6公斤武器級鈈材料。朝鮮半島局勢過去數月裡一直緊張。在國際上處於孤立地位的北韓當局向韓美等國多次發出核打擊威脅。不過,新近以來,半島局勢似乎有所緩和。