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**FILE**June 1, 2005 file picture shows alpinists t at the Arete Cosmique with a view of the north side of Mont Blanc du Tacul left, the Mont Maudit, center, and the Mont Blanc, right. French authorities say 10 people are still missing after a pre-dawn avalanche on the northern face of Mont Blanc du Tacul, Sunday, August 24, 2008. Among the missing there are five Austrians and three Swiss. Ten other alpinists has been already rescued and brought to nearby hospitals in Chamonix and Sallanches. (AP Photo/fls/Keystone/Arno Balzarini)
圖片來源: AP


截至目前,科索沃一村莊發生的雪崩導致10人死亡。周日(2月12日)普裡什蒂納救援隊向媒體報導,位於普裡茲倫市南部的萊斯特裡察村(Restelica)周六發生雪崩,其中有11人被埋。僅有1位5歲的女孩兒從雪堆中獲救。科索沃總理塔奇(Hashim Thaci)稱,雪崩現場就如同一場災難。雪崩共掩埋了12座房屋。

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