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epa03230333 A combo of photographs depicting some of the main contenders in the first Egyptian presidential elections since the ouster of President Mubarak in January 2011, shows (Top-L to R) Mohammed Morsy, Abdel Moneim Abu al-Fatuh, Hamdeen Sabahi and (Bottom-L to R) Amr Moussa, Khaled Ali and Ahmed Shafik, Egypt, 22 May 2012. The first round of the presidential elections vote in Egypt is due to take place on 23 and 24 May. There are 13 candidates in total, five of which are said to be in the best positions for either a first round victory or a presence in the run-off of 16 and 17 June. EPA/AMEL PAIN/KHALED ELFIQI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


穆斯林兄弟會稱,該組織競選人穆爾西(Mohamed Mursi)和前穆巴拉克政權末任總理沙菲克(Ahmed Schafik)在下屆總統選舉首輪投票中獲最多選票,獲得兩周後舉的對決資格。穆斯林兄弟會一名代表對路透社表示,穆爾西在首輪投票中獲得約25%的選票,沙菲克的得票率約為23%,絕大多數選區已完成計票。參與本周三和周四舉行的埃及有史以來首次總統民選競爭的候選人共有12人。下屆總統將結束該國60年來歷屆總統均出自軍方的歷史。第二次投票定於6月16日和17日舉行。由於新憲法尚未制定完成,未來總統的責權界定目前尚不清楚。