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epa03003356 A undated handout image made available by Airbus 14 November 2011 showing an artist's view of a Airbus A320neo Family aircraft. Airbus announced 14 November 2011 at the 2011 Dubai Airshow ALAFCO, the Kuwait-based international Aviation Lease and Finance Company had signed an initial agreement for 50 A320neo Family aircraft and 30 options, an increase of the initial agreement made at the Paris Le Bourget Airshow for 30 A320neo aircraft which are now confirmed. Rivals Boeing and Airbus jostled for orders at the Dubai Airshow on Monday, with Airbus announcing a deal for 50 A320 Neo passenger planes, a day after Boeing unveiled a record 18-billion-dollar deal with Emirates airline. EPA/AIRBUS / FIXION / HANDOUT HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES
空中巴士A320圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

據歐洲飛機制造商空中巴士公司周一在圖盧茲公佈消息称,空中巴士公司希望與北京的大學合作,共同在中國開發可持續的燃料,加快可替代燃料的市場化。這也包括促進可替代燃料在中國的推廣。據空中巴士公佈的消息稱,研究項目的重點是開發經濟環保的可替代航空燃料。該研究項目計劃在2013年結束。歐洲空中巴士可替代能源部負責人埃什納說, 「替代燃料的商業化是實現我們雄心勃勃的航空環保目標的一個重要元素。」

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