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epa03022902 (FILE) A file picture dated 17 November 2011 shows Myanmar President Thein Sein arriving at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center before the opening ceremony of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. According to media reports on 03 December 2011, Sein has signed a law allowing peaceful demonstrations as long as permission is sought five days in advance. The government has also pushed through a fairly liberal labor law, providing the right to unionize and has freed more than 300 political prisoners. EPA/STEPHEN MORRISON *** Local Caption *** 00000403006037 +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
緬甸總統吳登盛圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


韓國總統府公佈消息稱, 緬甸總統吳登盛向韓國總統李明博承諾,緬甸將遵守聯合國制裁北韓的相關決議,停止同平壤之間的軍火貿易。兩國領導人星期一在緬甸首都內比都舉行了會談。 吳登盛總統說,緬甸多年來從北韓購買常規武器,但是雙方之間從沒有開展核領域的合作。目前,韓國總統李明博正在對緬甸進行為期2天的訪問,成為29年來訪問緬甸的首位韓國總統。訪問緬甸期間,李明博還在港口城市仰光會見了反對派領導人、諾貝爾和平獎得主翁山蘇姬。