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Shofica Belcom, 25, waits with other mothers at a Myanmar Red Cross health clinic near Sittwe, capital of Myanmar's Rakhine state October 14, 2012. Violence erupted in June 2012 between ethnic Buddhist Rakhines and Rohingyas in the northwest Rakhine state, killing at least 77 people and displacing tens of thousands. Belcom and her family have been living in a camp for displaced members of the Rohingya community since June, when the inter-communal violence destroyed her home. The internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Rakhine are accommodated in 40 camps and temporary locations in Sittwe and Kyauktaw townships, with more than 67,700 in nine camps outside Sittwe. Picture taken October 14, 2012. REUTERS/Joe Cropp/International Federation of Red Cross/Handout (MYANMAR - Tags: POLITICS) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
圖片來源: Reuters



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