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A picture of Edward Snowden, a contractor at the National Security Agency (NSA), is seen on a computer screen displaying a page of a Chinese news website, in Beijing in this June 13, 2013 photo illustration. China's Foreign Ministry offered no details on Thursday on Snowden, the NSA contractor who revealed the U.S. government's top-secret monitoring of phone and Internet data and who is in hiding in Hong Kong. The Chinese characters of the title read: "PRISM program whistleblower Snowden being interviewed in Hong Kong". REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS TELECOMS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)
圖片來源: Reuters

據「華盛頓郵報」稱,美國司法機構以間諜罪對藏身香港的「棱鏡項目」洩密者愛德華‧斯諾登正式提出起訴。周五,「華盛頓郵報」在其網站上援引了一位不願透露姓名的美國官員透露的消息說,美國檢察署指控現年29歲的斯諾登間諜罪、偷盜和轉移政府財產罪等,司法機關已經對其發出逮捕令,並要求香港當局強制執行。據稱,美國維爾吉尼亞州檢察署負責此案。斯諾登的前僱主,為美國國家安全局服務的博思艾倫咨詢公司(Booz Allen)位於該州。據英國報紙「衛報」和「華盛頓郵報」報導,電腦專家斯諾登堡料美國國家安全局實施「棱鏡」訊息收集計劃。此外, 「衛報」還公佈了一份法庭允許國家安全局任意收集數百萬美國人手機聯絡訊息的秘密決定。

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