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A closure sign is seen on a barricade at the World War Two Memorial in Washington October 1, 2013. Despite the U.S. government shutdown affecting the site, a barricade was removed to give veterans access to the memorial today. Up to one million federal workers were thrown temporarily out of work on Tuesday as the U.S. government partially shut down for the first time in 17 years in a standoff between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans over healthcare reforms. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
圖片來源: Reuters

歐巴馬及國會領導人在白宮舉行峰會後,美國民主黨和共和黨仍未就財政預算之爭表現出絲毫妥協。眾議院共和黨主席博納(John Boehner)周三晚在華盛頓表示,總體來說沒有取得任何進展。民主黨代表稱,歐巴馬拒絕和共和黨就他提出的醫保計劃進行談判,但共和黨則將此作為對財政預算進行談判的前提條件。此次白宮會晤進行了一個小時。由於國會兩大陣營的抵制,美國從本周二起處於財政緊急狀態。大量聯邦機構關閉,政府文職人員被迫休無薪假。如果不能達成一致,美國本月中將面臨無錢支付債務的局面,這將對世界經濟產生巨大的影響。

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