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Refugees spend a day or more crossing the sea on these vessels before they end up in what the locals call the 'boat cemetery' in Lampedusa on march 11,2011. Lampedusa has been swamped by thousands of arrivals in recent weeks and the local 850-bed immigrant centre is severely overcrowded. Photo by Eric Vandeville/ABACAPRESS.COM Schlagworte neu, Politik, Gesellschaft, Flüchtlinge, Bootsflüchtlinge, Flüchtlingsstrom, süditalien, Nordafrika, Migration, Migranten, Boote, Fischerboote, Bootsfriedhof
Symbolbild afrikanische Flüchtlinge im Mittelmeer圖片來源: picture-alliance / abaca


義大利海防人員在地中海蘭佩杜薩島附近攔截了400名來自非洲的難民。這些難民試圖乘坐兩條20米長的船隻非法登陸屬於義大利領土的蘭佩杜薩島。他們將首先被送往該島的一個收容所,之後將被分送義大利各個地區。援助組織"拯救兒童"(Save the children)公佈的消息顯示,蘭佩杜薩島上有超過700名難民生活在非常糟糕的條件下。過去幾年,有數百名非洲人因乘坐沒有出海能力的漁船逃亡而喪生。

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