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epa03268249 Italian workers demonstrate against the Italian government's austerity measures in a protest organized by the three main Italian trade unions, Rome, Italy, 16 June 2012. Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti's government on 15 June presented a package of measures aimed at stimulating growth in the eurozone's third-largest economy which, according to data issued this week, remains mired in recession. The 'rowth decree' reportedly aims to mobilize about 45 billion euros (56 billion dollars) in funds, and includes measures to sell state assets and 'reduce the structure' of the bureaucracy, Monti said. EPA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Proteste gegen Sparmaßnahmen in Rom Italien圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


在義大利首都羅馬,有數萬人走上街頭抗議現任總理蒙蒂(Mario Monti)的財政節約政策。示威者呼籲政府不應為了降低債務而縮減社會福利開支,政治層應該設法改變高失業率的現狀,創造更多就業崗位。示威的組織方稱,有20萬人參加了遊行。據悉,另一所義大利城市博羅尼亞也爆發了示威抗議活動,併發生衝突事件。示威者向警察投擲了物品,導致多名政府機關人員受傷。總理蒙蒂發出警告,稱義大利將面臨一場經濟災難。他在米蘭發表講話時指出,義大利本來已經遠離危險的深淵,但現在危機重返。

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