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In this April 10, 2012 released by the Philippine Navy, Filipino naval personnel look at giant clam shells on board a Chinese fishing vessel at the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the Protesters display placards during their rally outside the Chinese Consulate at the financial district of Makati city, east of Manila, Philippines Monday, April 16, 2012, to accuse poaching by Chinese fishermen that led to a military standoff at the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. The Philippine president said Monday his country will continue talks with China to resolve the impasse, which began last Tuesday when two Chinese ships prevented a Philippine warship from arresting several Chinese fishermen. (Foto:Bullit Marquez/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd


菲律賓民眾對中國的不滿情緒增加。數百名菲律賓公民周五(5月11日)在中國駐馬尼拉大使館領事部前示威,抗議中國對南中國海的主權要求。從上月11日以來,菲中兩國之間相關爭議和衝突不斷。爭議的焦點之一是一個無人居住的島礁「斯卡伯勒(Scarborough shoal,)」(中國稱之為「黃岩島」,菲律賓稱之為「Kulumpol ng Panatag 帕納塔格礁」)的主權歸屬問題。該島礁距菲律賓230公里,距中國海岸線870公里。中國漁民在同菲律賓海軍艦對峙的海監船的保護下,在相關海域捕魚。菲律賓方面認為中國漁民是非法捕撈。據報導,菲律賓公民也計劃在美國、澳洲、加拿大以及香港組織遊行。中國有關當局日前對菲律賓國內可能發生暴力反華騷亂發出警告,建議本國公民不要前往該國,已在該國的公民避免上街。除菲律賓外,對南中國海提出部分主權要求的還有越南、馬來西亞和汶萊。

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