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Portugal's Constitutional Court President Joaquim Sousa Ribeiro (4th R) walks in front of members of the court as he arrives to address a news conference in Lisbon April 5, 2013. Portugal's constitutional court announced its ruling on this year's budget austerity measures on Friday. REUTERS/Hugo Correia (PORTUGAL - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
Portugal Verfassungsgericht圖片來源: REUTERS

葡萄牙憲法法院裁定右翼保守派領導的政府推出的節約預算部分無效。據最高法官在裡斯本宣佈,對退休金和公務員薪水,以及對失業救助金的削減,都是非法違憲的。憲法法院表示,預算法案必須遵循憲法,而不能與之背道而馳。根據葡萄牙媒體的估算,2013財年葡萄牙國家財政還有大約13億歐元的缺口。總理科埃略(Passos Coelho)已經召集內閣在周六召開緊急會議商討應對措施。

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