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Civil Defence members and residents gather at the site of an explosion in Beirut's southern suburbs July 9, 2013. Several people were killed or wounded when a car bomb hit Beirut's southern suburbs on Tuesday, a stronghold for the Lebanese Shi'ite Hezbollah militant group that has been fighting in Syria's civil war, medics said. REUTERS/Issam Kobeisy (LEBANON - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
圖片來源: Reuters


黎巴嫩首都貝魯特市郊一個什葉派聚居區周二(7月9日)早晨發生炸彈襲擊事件,軍方稱,至少有兩人喪生,10人受傷。電視畫面顯示,爆炸地上空出現濃煙。真主黨電視台報導說,襲擊者使用了汽車炸彈,襲擊地點是什葉派民兵重鎮比爾阿拉貝德區(Bir al-Abed)。受鄰國敘利亞內戰影響,黎巴嫩國內緊張局勢近來明顯加劇。真主黨民兵派出戰鬥人員,支持敘利亞阿薩德總統的政府軍。黎巴嫩境內的遜尼派則支持敘反對派。