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epa03150561 Russian riot police carry away a participant of an opposition rally outside the offices of the Russian TV company 'NTV' near the Ostankino television tower in Moscow, Russia, 18 March 2012. Supporters of various opposition parties gathered for a rally against the 'pro-Kremlin NTV channel' which was showing a documentary which claimed that apparent opposition movement activists were paying money to their supporters to attend in anti-Putin rallies during the recent Russian presidential election. EPA/SERGEI ILNITSKY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture alliance / dpa

在莫斯科有約100名反政府人士因參加未經批准的示威活動抗議國家電視台NTW被暫時拘留。據警方透露,這些人參加了沒有獲得批准的示威遊行。被捕者中包括俄羅斯前副總理涅姆佐夫(Nemzow )和反對派政客烏達佐夫(Udalzow)

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