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Source News Feed: EMEA Picture Service ,Germany Picture Service Philippine President Benigno Aquino delivers his speech on national television as his cabinet members listen, at the Malacanang palace in Manila October 7, 2012. The Philippine government and Muslim rebels have agreed a peace deal for the country's troubled south, Aquino announced on Sunday, signalling an end to a 40-year conflict that has killed more than 120,000 people and crippled the region's economy. REUTERS/Cheryl Ravelo (PHILIPPINES - Tags: POLITICS)
Philippinen Präsident Benigno Aquino圖片來源: Reuters

據法新社報導,馬尼拉周四宣佈,應北京的要求,菲律賓總統阿基諾取消下周對中國的訪問。周三,阿基諾曾宣佈,將於下周二(9月3日)對南寧進行12個小時的訪問,出席中國-東協經貿展會。菲律賓外交部發言人赫爾南德斯(Raul Hernandez)發表聲明稱,考慮到中國要求總統在更有利的時機訪問中國,總統決定取消行程。在問及中國為何提出這一要求時,赫爾南德斯向法新社表示,"或許你可以問問中國"。中國外交部向法新社發送傳真聲明,其中沒有直接評論阿基諾取消行程,但表示雙邊關係存在"困難",並敦促馬尼拉採取措施消除"障礙"。聲明沒有說明"障礙"的具體內容。近年來,中國與菲律賓等國圍繞南中國海主權爭議的緊張關係加劇。

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