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HANDOUT - An undated handout photo provided by Norwegian oil company Statoil 17 January 2013 shows a road sign of the gas facility in In Amenas, Algeria where 13 Norwegians are among more than 20 workers who have been taken as hostages in an attack by Islamist militants. An Algerian state media report says that two foreign nationals have been killed and more than 20 taken hostage in an attack by Islamist militants on the Statoil gas facility in the eastern part of the country. Photo: STATOIL HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES (zu dpa 0099 "Islamisten wollen mit Geiselnahme Offensive in Mali stoppen" am 17.01.2013) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Algerien Geiselnahme圖片來源: picture alliance / dpa


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