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epa03226624 Chen Guangcheng, blind Chinese human rights activist and his wife Yuan Weijing smile as they arrive at a New York University housing, in New York, USA, 19 May 2012. Chen left China for the United States with his wife Yuan Weijing, their two children, his son Chen Kerui and daughter Chen Kesi. Blind activist Chen Guangcheng of China and his family arrived at the Newark, New Jersey, international airport after anxious weeks about his fate if he stayed in his home country. The United-Continental Airlines aircraft left China early 19 May for the United States after Chinese officials surprised Chen's supporters with permission to leave his homeland. EPA/RAMIN TALAIE +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Chen Guangcheng und seine Frau in New York圖片來源: picture alliance / dpa

據台灣官方通訊社援引反對派政治家林佳龍(Lin Chia-lung)報導,中國人權人士陳光誠計劃明年訪問台灣並在立法院發表演講。在華盛頓與北京之間一個月的拉鋸戰後,陳光誠今年5月中旬獲准前往美國。之前,他在中國的監獄以及軟禁中度過了7年,並於今年4月逃入美國駐華使館。

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