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epa03354341 (FILE) A January 2009 file photo, taken from a South Korean Navy ship, shows South Korea's easternmost islets of Dokdo, called Takeshima in Japanese, the rocky outcroppings lying in the East Sea around halfway between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. South Korean president Lee Myung-bak is expected to visit Dokdo on 10 August 2012, an unprecedented landmark trip that if realized, would strongly assert Seoul's sovereignty over the territory and could send diplomatic tensions with Tokyo soaring, as Japan also claimes the islets. EPA/YONHAP SOUTH KOREA OUT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Dokdo Südkorea圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


日韓外交爭議加劇。據日本共同社報導,儘管東京抗議,韓國總統李明博仍前往視察日韓兩國均對之提出主權要求的一個島群。報導稱,李明博總統今天(8月10日)登上了其中一個由韓國實際控制的島嶼。韓國總統府暫未證實相關報導,但表示,對該島的訪問是在計劃之中的。這是韓國總統首次訪問位於日本海的這一岩石島群。韓國方面稱該島群為獨島(Dokdo),日本稱之為竹島(Takeshima)。日本外務大臣玄葉光一郎(Koichiro Gemba)曾敦促首爾取消訪問計劃。共同社報導說,日本外交部今天召見韓國駐日大使,正式抗議李明博總統登島行動。

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