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Malaysian activists from the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) shout slogans as they try to march in downtown during a rally calling for clean and fair elections in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, July 9, 2011. Police fired tear gas and detained hundreds of activists as demonstrators massed Saturday across Malaysia's main city demanding electoral reforms in the country's biggest political rally in years. The "Bersih" means "clean" in Malay. (Foto:Vincent Thian/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd


馬來西亞反對派陣營正全力為今夏的議會選舉作準備,並期待在執政聯盟「國民陣線」掌權數十年後實現權力更迭。由三黨組成的反對派競選聯盟—「人民聯盟」周一(2月25日)發表選舉宣言,許諾增加就業、提高國民收入、打擊腐敗。大選必須在今年6月底前舉行。一般預期,政府總理納吉卜‧拉扎克(Najib Razak)將在數周內解散議會。反對派領袖安瓦爾‧易卜拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim)指出,人民希望國家出現轉變。反對派三黨聯盟目前在議會擁有三分之一議席。自上世紀70年代以來連續執政的國民陣線在2008年的大選中曾失去大量選票,其背景是國內賄賂現象和種族歧視嚴重,民怨高漲。

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