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epa03445809 EU commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstroem arrives prior the EU Luxembourg Justice and Home Affairs council at the EU Headquarters in Luxembourg, 25 october 2012. European Union ministers were pushing Thursday to end the right of citizens of western Balkan states to freely enter the EU's visa-free Schengen bloc, saying unfounded asylum claims from those countries were clogging up the system. EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said abuse of the asylum system had been 'increasing considerably' since Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia were granted visa-free travel to the Schengen area. EPA/NICOLAS BOUVY
EU-Innenministerrat图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


德国以及其他47个国家希望在打击互连网儿童色情内容方面有所进展。各国于本周三(12月5日)在布鲁塞尔宣布成立联盟组织,并发表联合声明。声明规定,签署国从现在开始有义务采取更加严厉的手段追捕犯罪人员、查清受害者身份并为其提供帮助。欧盟内政事务专员马尔姆施特隆姆(Cecilia Malmström )指出:"每一个画面后都是一个被亵渎的孩子,一个被剥削殆尽,无助的受害者。"她透露,保守估计,目前互联网上有大约100万张儿童色情图片。每年新上载的图片数目约为5万张。打击网络儿童色情内容的难度在于需要各国的联合协作。例如许多内容都存放在位于美国的服务器中。专家估计,也有许多与此相关内容的存放地点是中国。但中国和俄罗斯都不属于该项联合声明的签署国。

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