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A Chinese priest performs mass at Beijing's northern cathedral in China Monday May 8, 2006. China's official Roman Catholic church named a new bishop _ reportedly with papal endorsement _ as Beijing rejected Vatican criticism of the unauthorized ordination of two other bishops. China's Catholics were forced to cut ties to the Vatican after the 1949 communist revolution. But the Holy See and China's church communicate informally and most Chinese bishops have received papal endorsement. (AP Photo/Elizabeth Dalziel)
图像来源: AP

周三,(8月7日),中国河北省安全部门逮捕了地下天主教神父。据总部设在美国的龚品梅枢机主教基金会周六(8月10日)公布的消息,现年39岁的神职人员宋万军周三在其汽车内被10名警察逮捕后,迄今下落不明。宋万军是中国天主教西湾子教区的一位牧师,中国当局多年来强硬反对天主教地下教会。许多神父和主教被拘留,软禁或者被强迫接受再教育。 中国天主教在50年代分裂为两派,一派是亲政府的“爱国会”,另一派是忠于教皇的地下教会。后者遭到政府的镇压。中国官方公布的天主教信徒为570万人。但是据非官方的统计数据,天主教信徒总共有大约1200万人。地下教会估计有一千万信徒。

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