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Technicians carry out a test for the H7N9 bird flu virus using test reagents at the Beijing Center for Diseases Control and Prevention in Beijing April 3, 2013. Test reagents for the H7N9 virus arrived in Beijing on Tuesday enabling the city's diseases control and prevention centre, and 55 laboratories in its network, to test for the virus. Chinese authorities reported four new cases on Tuesday of a strain of bird flu previously unknown in humans that has already killed two people, taking the total of known cases to seven. REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA - Tags: HEALTH DISASTER ANIMALS) CHINA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN CHINA
图像来源: Reuters


据德新社报道,中国官方媒体称,一种专门针对新型禽流感病毒H7N9的疫苗将在7个月内问世。新华社报道说,研制用于对付H7N9病毒疫苗的一个新的研究课题已于本周立项。根据官方提供的数字,迄今, H7N9病毒感染人数为38人,其中10人死亡。世卫组织在北京的办事处日前明确表示,没有迹象显示H7N9病毒有人际传染特性,而且,鉴于所有病例都在地方上得到了控制,中国国内目前没有H7N9禽流感瘟疫。

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