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Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Zhai Jun, left, speaks to reporters following a meeting with Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad, right, in Damascus, Syria, on Friday Feb. 17, 2012. Jun arrive to Damascus for two-day visit to meet with Syrian President Bashar Assad and with other officials. Syrian troops intensively shelled rebel-held neighborhoods in the restive central city of Homs Friday and killed at least 13 people, activists said. Britain and France urged the opposition to unite and said it needs more international support to resist the deadly government crackdown. (Foto:Bassem Tellawi/AP/dapd)
中国外交部副部长、叙利亚问题特使翟隽抵达大马士革图像来源: dapd

中国外交部副部长、叙利亚问题特使翟隽周五抵达大马士革。翟隽在与叙利亚副外长梅克达德(Faiçal Mekdad)会晤时表示,中国将加强与叙利亚政权的合作。在翟隽抵达大马士革前,中国外交部曾表示,这名特使将为解决叙利亚问题发挥“建设性的作用”。

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