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GettyImages 150450023 Yu Wenxia (R) of China waves to the audience after being crowned the winner of Miss World 2012 during the pageant's final ceremony at the Ordos Stadium Arena in the inner Mongolian city of Ordos on August 18, 2012. China's Yu Wenxia of China defeated more than 100 other hopefuls at the glittering ceremony. AFP PHOTO / Ed Jones (Photo credit should read Ed Jones/AFP/GettyImages)
Yu Wenxia Miss World图像来源: Getty Images


在本年度"世界小姐"评选决赛中,中国选手于文霞成功摘得第62届"世界小姐"的桂冠。她于本周六举行的全球决赛中击败了100多名来自世界各地的佳丽,从上届"世界小姐"冠军,来自委内瑞拉的萨尔科斯(Ivian Sarcos)手中接过了获胜者的皇冠。中国媒体消息显示,今年23岁的于文霞出生在尚志市亚布力镇,2008年考入哈尔滨师范大学音乐学院,学习民族声乐。本届"世界小姐"决赛的举办地为中国内蒙古新兴经济重镇鄂尔多斯。

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