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U.S. envoy on North Korean Affairs Glyn Davies, center, speaks to embassy staff, before heading to the nuclear talk between the US and North Korea, at a hotel in Beijing, China, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012. The U.S. and North Korea reopen nuclear talks on Thursday that will provide a glimpse into where Pyongyang's opaque government is heading after Kim Jong Il's death and test its readiness to dismantle nuclear programs for much-needed aid. (Foto:Andy Wong/AP/dapd)
USA-Nordkorea Gespräche in Peking图像来源: AP

一位美国政府特使表示,华盛顿和北京已经达成一致,如果朝鲜继续进行任何形式的核试验,都将导致其陷入更加孤立的境地,为重启区域谈判增添难度。美国朝鲜问题特使戴维斯(Glyn Davies)本周五在北京结束与中国官方高层人员的会谈后表示,双方都一致反对朝鲜进行核试验。本周伊始,中美双方对联合国扩大对朝鲜制裁的决议表示支持,起因是朝鲜于2012年12月12日发射了一枚远程火箭。作为回应,朝鲜方面已经表示准备进行"更高水平的核试验"。

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