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Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force crew work near its submarine with a backdrop of a fleet of ships, part of USS Kitty Hawk's battle group, at the Yokosuka Naval Base in Yokosuka, south of Tokyo, Monday, Oct. 9, 2006. A successful nuclear test by North Korea could trigger a decisive shift in Asia's diplomatic and military alignment, hardening China and South Korea's approach toward Pyongyang, speeding Japan's drive toward a tougher military stance and cementing the heavy U.S. presence in the region. Such a test _ which North Korea claimed on Monday _ would be Pyongyang's first public demonstration of its possession of a nuclear weapon, carrying a powerful psychological punch in a region that is still struggling to emerge from the divisions of World War II and the Cold War. (AP Photo/Shuji Kajiyama)
图像来源: AP


国际著名军事专家相信,亚洲今年就将在军事开支数量上超过西方。据伦敦国际战略研究所周三(3月7日)公布的"军事平衡"年度报告,自2008年发生全球金融危机以来,欧洲和美国军事支出减少,与此同时,亚洲国家,尤其是中、日、韩以及印度,军事支出持续增加。扣除通胀和价格波动因素,2011年,亚洲军费总额上升3.15%。伦敦国际战略研究所所长齐普曼(John Chipman)同时指出,亚洲同欧美之间在军费支出领域的反向发展并不意味着全球军事资源重心很快会易位,原因是,美欧正努力通过研究和开发,赢得对于像中国这样的国家在质上的超前地位。不过,"其间的距离将缩小"。