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Delegations from Iran and other world powers sit before the start of two days of closed-door nuclear talks at the United Nations offices in Geneva October 15, 2013. Iran will face pressure on Tuesday to propose scaling back its nuclear programme to win relief from crippling sanctions as talks between world powers and Tehran resume after a six-month hiatus. REUTERS/Fabrice Coffrini/Pool (SWITZERLAND - Tags: ENERGY POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters

联合国安理会五个常任理事国和德国在日内瓦与伊朗就其极具争议的核计划进行谈判。为期两天的谈判刚开始,伊朗代表团就给出了一套建议性方案。有关方面称,目前正对该方案进行评估,但没有透露其具体内容。正式磋商开始前,伊朗政府拒绝完全停止提炼浓缩铀的活动。欧盟外交代表阿什顿(Catherine Ashton)以及伊朗外长扎里夫(Mohammed Dschawad Sarif)是本次日内瓦谈判的主持者。西方国家将此次会晤视为第一次检验看似温和的鲁哈尼(Hassan Rohani)政府的机会。

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