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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (2nd L), EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (C), and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (2nd R) attend the third day of closed-door nuclear talks at the Intercontinental Hotel in Geneva November 9, 2013. France warned of serious stumbling blocks to a long-sought deal on Iran's nuclear programme as foreign ministers from Tehran and six world powers extended high-stakes negotiations into a third day on Saturday to end a decade-old standoff. REUTERS/Jean-Christophe Bott/Pool (SWITZERLAND - Tags: POLITICS ENERGY)
谈判桌旁:克里、阿什顿及扎里夫(右二)图像来源: Reuters/Jean-Christophe Bott


在日内瓦举行的有关伊朗核计划的"5+1"谈判周日凌晨结束,会议未能达成一致。参加谈判的除了5个联合国安理会常任理事国以及德国的外长,还有欧盟外交与安全高级专员阿什顿以及伊朗外长扎里夫( Mohammed Dschawad Sarif)。本次会晤的主题是放松对伊朗的国际制裁,而伊朗为此必须限制其利用核能的活动。伊朗总统鲁哈尼(Hassan Rohani)在议会强调,浓缩铀是该国的权利,按照国际法利用核能是谈判不可逾越的"红线"。周四谈判开始前,许多人对达成一致曾抱乐观态度。下一轮谈判将于11月20日举行。

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