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A conservative New Democracy supporter points at a television screen showing the exit polls in the main New Democracy campaign center in Athens' Syntagma square June 17, 2012. A joint exit poll by five pollsters, published as voting closed on Sunday, showed New Democracy taking between 27.5 percent and 30.5 percent of the vote. SYRIZA was essentially level with 27-30 percent, followed by the PASOK Socialists taking 10-12 percent of the vote. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol (GREECE - Tags: ELECTIONS POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters


法新社消息,周日(6月17日)希腊议会选举投票结束后,根据目前希腊电视台的一个预测显示,希腊保守派新民主党和左派政党联盟的得票率几乎不分伯仲。另据投票站出口的民调显示,保守的新民主党支持率在27.5%到30.5%。紧随其后的是左派政党联盟,其支持率为27%到30%。希腊新纳粹政党“金色黎明”(Chryssi Avgi )的支持率在6.0%到7.5%,这样该党有望再次进入议会。此次议会选举的投票结果将影响欧元区的未来,及希腊是否会继续留在欧元区的问题。

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