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epa03162788 A destroyed vehicle is seen following clashes between Sudanese and South Sudan's forces in the border oil-rich city of Heglig, Sudan, 28 March 2012. According to reports, clashes erupted on 26 March around oil fields that are claimed by the Sudanese government. The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Jean Ping on 27 March expressed his deep concern over the escalating security situation along the border between Sudan and South Sudan EPA/STRINGER +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Sudan Kämpfe zwischen Sudan und Südsudan图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


迫于国际社会的压力,南苏丹总统基尔(Salva Kiir)已经下令将军队撤出备受争议的产油田黑格里格(Heglig)。一位政府发言人在朱巴表示,撤军行动将在三天内完成。该发言人同时明确指出,南苏丹政府仍然将这一油田视为其国家领土的一部分,并等待有关的国际仲裁来澄清这一主权争议。北方的苏丹政权也对该油田提出领土要求。在过去几周里,南苏丹部队占领了该地区,这一军事行动遭到了联合国的谴责。南北苏丹同时宣称对该油田的多个部分地区拥有主权,而那里的国界线还没有最终划定。黑格里格油田的产油量占到苏丹总产量的一半。由于去年7月南苏丹宣布独立,喀土穆政权失去了四分之三的石油资源。

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