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epa03678648 Activists of Indian Rashtrawadi Shiv Sena hold photographs of Sarabjit Singh and shout slogans against Pakistan following an attack on Singh by inmates in Lahore jail in Jammu, the winter capital of Kashmir, India 27 April 2013. Sarabjit Singh was sentenced to death for a series of attacks in Lahore and Multan in 1990 in which 14 people were killed. Singh's condition remains critical with news reports stating that he fell into a deep coma after the brutal attack on him. Singh is under medical supervision at Jinnah hospital in Lahore with doctors stating that surgery could not be performed on him till his condition stabilizes. EPA/JAIPAL SINGH
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


因间谍罪在巴基斯坦服刑的一印度公民被殴致死事件导致两国关系出现新的紧张。据巴基斯坦媒体报道,被其他狱卒打成休克的印度人萨拉布吉特·辛格(Sarabjit Singh)周四(5月2日)在一家医院死亡。新德里政府指责伊斯兰堡当局须对死亡事件负责,要求巴方对这一Ä“野蛮谋杀行为”绳之以法。印度总理辛格批评巴方多年来拒绝出于人道理由允许被告回印度接受治疗。1990年,萨拉布吉特·辛格被判处死刑,罪名是进行间谍活动和在多个城市策划炸弹袭击案,后因印度暂停执行死刑而未被处死。新德里政府和他的家人均否认他是间谍。

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