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Anti-government protesters shout slogans as they stand on barricades in Istanbul June 16, 2013. Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan rallied hundreds of thousands of supporters at an Istanbul parade ground on Sunday as riot police fired teargas a few kilometres away in the city centre to disperse anti-government protesters. Riot police fired teargas into side streets around the central Taksim Square as he spoke, trying to prevent protesters from regrouping after hundreds were evicted from the adjoining Gezi Park, the centre of the demonstrations, late on Saturday. REUTERS/Serkan Senturk (TURKEY - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
图像来源: Reuters


土耳其内政部长居莱尔(Muammer Güler)称,号召举行总罢工是“违法”。居莱尔周一(6月17日)在安拉卡举行的记者会上表示,安全力量不会容忍罢工和上街示威这一类“非法行动”。土耳其最大的两个工会此前号召在今天举行全国罢工。在昨天再度发生的反政府抗议行动中,在首都安卡拉和土耳其最大城市伊斯坦布尔约有600名示威者被逮捕。上周六晚间,警察冲击并强行清理了示威者占领了两星期的盖齐公园及毗邻的塔克希姆广场。昨天,在伊斯坦布尔和数十个土耳其城市,示威民众和安全力量之间继续发生冲突。延续了两周的民众示威抗议活动的规模为土耳其现代史上之最,从捍卫盖齐公园迅速演变成反对警方暴力、反对政府总理埃尔多安专权以及悄悄推行国家伊斯兰化的大规模民主运动。

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