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Egyptian men pass by the Shura Council, in Cairo, Egypt, Saturday, June 1, 2013. When voters went to the polls more than a year ago to vote for Egypt's upper house of parliament, most presumed the legislature would be the powerless talk shop that it had been for 30 years. Few candidates were known outside their families, parties or neighborhoods. Only seven percent of the electorate bothered to cast a ballot. Thanks to the twists and turns of the rocky transition that followed Egypt's 2011 uprising, the Shura Council finds itself the sole law-making body in the land. This accidental legislature is now back in the spotlight ahead of an expected court ruling on its disputed legal status _ a move that could see it dissolved. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)
Parlament in Kairo Ägypten ARCHIVBILD Juni 2013图像来源: picture-alliance/AP Photo

埃及过渡政府总统曼苏尔(Adli Mansur)宣布,已经委任一个由法律专家组成的委员会修改该国宪法。总统办公室从首都开罗发布消息称,这个由4名教授以及6名法官组成的专家委员会将于本周日(7月21日)开始工作。曼苏尔将于4个月之内就修宪启动全民表决。埃及军方7月3日罢黜了来自穆斯林兄弟会的民选总统穆尔西之后,同时也宣布宪法暂时无效。埃及民众刚刚于2012年12月的一次全民表决中通过了这部宪法,但当时的投票率只有33%。埃及政府目前正在竭尽全力稳定局势。前总统穆尔西的支持者和反对者之间不断爆发冲突,已经导致大约100人丧生。

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