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Indian police stand guard outside the high-security Yerwada Jail where Pakistan-born Mohammed Kasab, the sole surviving gunman of the 2008 Mumbai attacks was hanged, in Pune on November 21, 2012. The sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks was executed Wednesday, nearly four years after 166 people were killed in a three-day rampage through India's financial capital, officials announced. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: STR/AFP/Getty Images


孟买袭击案唯一生还凶手卡萨卜(Adschmal Kasab)被处绞刑后,巴基斯坦塔利班威胁报复印度。塔利班一名发言人周四(11月22日)表示,塔利班已作出决定,打击印度,为卡萨卜报仇。这名塔利班发言人同时要求印方交出卡萨卜的遗体,否则,塔利班将劫持并处死印度公民。距孟买屠杀事件发生四周年纪念日4天,卡萨卜在印度一家监狱被处以绞刑。这是2004年以来印度首次执行死刑。慕克杰总统此前拒绝赦免这名巴基斯坦人。2008年11月,10名巴基斯坦凶手在印度金融经济都市孟买连续三天制造一系列袭击事件,导致166人死亡。这一事件导致印巴这两个核国家之间本已不合的关系更形紧张。

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