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Muhammad Naeem (L), a spokesman for the Office of the Taliban of Afghanistan speaks during the opening of the Taliban Afghanistan Political Office in Doha June 18, 2013. The Afghan Taliban opened an office in Qatar on Tuesday to help restart talks on ending the 12-year-old war, saying it wanted a political solution that would bring about a just government and end foreign occupation. Taliban representative Mohammed Naeem told a news conference at the office in the capital Doha that the Islamist insurgency wanted good relations with Afghanistan's neighbouring countries. REUTERS/Mohammed Dabbous (QATAR - Tags: POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters


尽管即将同美国举行谈判,阿富汗极端伊斯兰组织塔利班宣布,无意放弃武力。塔利班在多哈新设立的联络办公室负责人沙欣(Mohammed Sohail Shaheen)周三(6月19日)对半岛电视台表示,塔利班将继续采取政治行动和军事行动,“不存在停火”,“袭击行动将在和谈期间同步进行”。塔利班新近在多哈设立联络办公室,美国政府对此作出积极反应,宣布在未来数天内启动与抵抗力量的谈判,寻求结束阿富汗冲突途径。《华盛顿邮报》报道说,谈判本周四就将开始。周二夜间,在阿富汗东部地区,4名美军官兵在塔利班进行的一次火箭弹袭击中丧生。

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