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Cyprus' President Nicos Anastasiades addresses a conference of civil servants in Nicosia March 29, 2013. Cyprus has no intention of leaving the European single currency, the island's president said on Friday, assuring Cypriots the situation was "contained" in the wake of a tough bailout deal with the European Union. Anastasiades spoke a day after banks reopened their doors following an almost two-week shutdown to prevent a run on deposits by panicked Cypriots and wealthy foreign depositors as the east Mediterranean island flirted with bankruptcy. REUTERS/Bogdan Cristel (CYPRUS - Tags: BUSINESS POLITICS HEADSHOT)
图像来源: Reuters


塞浦路斯总统阿纳斯塔夏季斯(Nikos Anastasiades)宣布了旨在刺激经济的一系列措施。在接受媒体访问时他表示,这些措施包括在塞浦路斯投资的企业不必缴纳利得税、当地外国公司中70%的员工必须是塞浦路斯公民,外国员工聘用比例不得超过30%。另外,阿纳斯塔夏季斯还提出可能会开设赌场的事宜。因为在塞浦路斯极具影响力的东正教反对兴建赌场,所以到目前为,该岛只有土耳其人为主的北部地区有赌场。

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