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A protester displays a placard as he joins others in a demonstration in front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, October 3, 2013, urging congress to end the federal government shutdown. The political crisis gripping Washington could trigger a 'catastrophic' US debt default, the Treasury warned Thursday, as America limped into day three of a government shutdown. Despite the looming danger to the US and world economies, there was no sign that either President Barack Obama or his Republican foes were ready to give ground. AFP Photo/Jewel Samad (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)
被迫回家的公务员:我们要工作!图像来源: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images

美国总统奥巴马表示,相信自己的国家可以避免陷入无支付能力的困境。他在接受美联社采访时说,共和党方面已经表现出积极的迹象。共和党众议院多数领袖博纳尔(John Boehner)此前曾表态,美国一定会支付自己的账单。从本周二开始,由于财政资金紧缺,美国大部分公共行政部门都停止运行,因为民主党和共和党不能及时就提高国家债务上限的问题达成一致。不过,众议院目前在华盛顿达成一项协议,被强制无薪休假的国家公务员在财政预算问题解决之后将得到补偿。众议院已经一致通过了这项法律草案,预计参议院和国务院也都会相继予以批准。

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