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Former Taliban fighters stand with their weapons during a ceremony after joining Afghan government forces in Herat on August 7, 2013. About 100,000 foreign combat troops, 68,000 of them from the US, are due to exit by the end of 2014, and NATO formally transferred responsibility for nationwide security to Afghan forces a week ago. AFP PHOTO/ Aref Karimi (Photo credit should read Aref Karimi/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Aref Karimi/AFP/Getty Images

美军特种部队在阿富汗逮捕了巴基斯坦塔利班的一名高级指挥官。五角大楼称,逮捕马哈苏德(Latif Mehsud)依据的是9.11恐怖袭击后美军武力打击基地组织的法律授权。不过《华盛顿邮报》称,美军是从阿富汗情报人员手中逮捕马哈苏德的,阿情报人员试图借他推动与塔利班之间的和谈。据称,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊(Hamid Karzai)对美军行动感到愤怒。美国国务卿克里本周五前往喀布尔就安全问题进行会谈,而绝大多数国际部队将于明年撤离阿富汗。

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