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Pakistani protesters burn representations of US and NATO flags during a demonstration to condemn U.S. drone strikes in the tribal areas, in Multan, Pakistan. A drone strike in Pakistan's tribal areas killed several suspected militants early Monday, Pakistani officials said, as the U.S. pushes ahead with the controversial drone program despite Pakistani demands to stop. The strike was the seventh in less than two weeks and highlights the importance that Washington places on the drone program as a way to combat al-Qaida and Taliban fighters who use Pakistan as a base for attacks against American and NATO forces in Afghanistan. (Foto:Khalid Tanveer/AP/dapd)Pakistani protesters burn representations of US and NATO flags during a demonstration to condemn U.S. drone strikes in the tribal areas, in Multan, Pakistan. A drone strike in Pakistan's tribal areas killed several suspected militants early Monday, Pakistani officials said, as the U.S. pushes ahead with the controversial drone program despite Pakistani demands to stop. The strike was the seventh in less than two weeks and highlights the importance that Washington places on the drone program as a way to combat al-Qaida and Taliban fighters who use Pakistan as a base for attacks against American and NATO forces in Afghanistan. (Foto:Khalid Tanveer/AP/dapd)Pakistani protesters burn representations of US and NATO flags during a demonstration to condemn U.S. drone strikes in the tribal areas, in Multan, Pakistan. A drone strike in Pakistan's tribal areas killed several suspected militants early Monday, Pakistani officials said, as the U.S. pushes ahead with the controversial drone program despite Pakistani demands to stop. The strike was the seventh in less than two weeks and highlights the importance that Washington places on the drone program as a way to combat al-Qaida and Taliban fighters who use Pakistan as a base for attacks against American and NATO forces in Afghanistan. (Foto:Khalid Tanveer/AP/dapd)
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


法新社消息,美国方面表示,巴基斯坦计划重起北约通往阿富汗的供给线。周二(7月3日)美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在华盛顿表示,是巴基斯坦外长拉巴尼·哈尔(Rabbani Khar)向她透露的这一消息。去年11月,北约战机在一次空袭中,击中了巴基斯坦军事检查站,导致24名巴基斯坦士兵丧生。作为回应,巴方关闭了北约阿富汗驻军的供给线。北约空袭事故令美巴关系陷入紧张状态。

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