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Bildnummer: 59548694 Datum: 22.04.2013 Copyright: imago/fosphotos Former Minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos was brought in to court for the beggining of his trial, regarding alleged illegal money that he took as gifts to promote certain military contracts. Another eighteen are also accused in the same trial including Tsochatzopoulos wife, his former wife, his daughter and many of his close associates from his Ministry Years. Athens, April 22, 2013 - xAngelikixPanagiotoux/x PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxONLY Politik people Gericht Gerichtsverhandlung Korruption Anklage Kriminalität xas x0x 2013 quer premiumd Akis Tsochatzopoulos court trial 59548694 Date 22 04 2013 Copyright Imago Former Ministers Akis Tsochatzopoulos what BROUGHT in to Court for The beginning of His Trial Regarding alleged illegal Money Thatcher he took As Gifts to promote Certain Military Contracts Another Eighteen are Thus Accused in The Same Trial including Tsochatzopoulos wife His Former wife His Daughter and MANY of His Close Associates from His Ministry Years Athens April 22 2013 X PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxONLY politics Celebrities Court Court hearing Corruption Indictment Crime x0x 2013 horizontal premiumd Akis Tsochatzopoulos Court Trial
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

希腊前国防部长阿吉斯·索卡扎波洛斯(Akis Tsochatzopoulos)因洗钱和受贿罪而被判处20年监禁。雅典法庭认定索卡扎波洛斯伙同其亲属和前同僚,在军火交易中收受5500万欧元贿赂。其他16名涉案人员分别被判处6到16年监禁不等,其中包括索卡扎波洛斯的现任妻子,德国籍前妻以及他的女儿。
索卡扎波洛斯此前已经因为偷税而被判刑八年,罚款52万欧元。这位前部长否认所有指控。现年74岁的索卡扎波洛斯是希腊近几十年来最为重要的政治人物之一,1974年他参与创建了社会主义派的泛希腊社会运动党(PASOK),1981年之后曾出任多个部长职务。1996年,泛希腊社会运动党创始人帕潘德里欧(Andreas Papandreou)身患重病,索卡扎波洛斯几乎接手党首和政府总理职务,但在竞争中以微弱差距不敌前总理西米蒂斯(Kostas Simitis)。1996年至2001年间,索卡扎波洛斯曾在西米蒂斯内阁中担任国防部长,而本次涉案的军火交易正是发生在这段时间内。

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