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Finance Minister Giorgos Papakonstantinou gives a press conference, in Athens on 05 July 2010, regarding the progress and the results for the first semester of the austerity measures taken by the government and the further planning of actions. The Greek government announced a second round of austerity measures in a continuing bid to slash the country's double-digit budget deficit by a now EU-mandated four percentage points. EPA/PANAGIOTIS MOSCHANDREOU
图像来源: picture alliance / dpa


经数小时辩论,希腊议会周二(7月16日)早晨表决通过取消前财政部长帕帕康斯坦丁努(Giorgos Papakonstantinou)的司法豁免权。这样,这位掌控希腊钱财的前最高官员必须接受司法部门的相关调查。帕帕康斯坦丁努涉嫌犯有渎职罪。此前,一个议会调查委员会对其同一桩涉嫌逃税人名单丑闻有染问题进行了长达数月的调查。这位2010年上任的前财长被控造假、从一份将资产转移至瑞士的偷税者名单上删去自己亲戚的名字。帕帕康斯坦丁努迄今予以否认。司法当局将在未来数星期做出决定,是否成立一个特别法庭。若被裁定有罪,他有可能被判最高20年监禁。

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