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Antonis Samaras, the head of the conservative New Democracy party, attends an event at the Onassis Cultural Center in Athens, on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. Papademos' coalition government is in the next few weeks expected to call general elections, likely for late April or early May. Last polls indicated that Samaras' conservative party would come first in the vote, but without the majority needed to govern alone. (Foto:Thanasiss Stavrakis/AP/dapd)
图像来源: dapd


希腊保守党派领导人萨马拉斯(Antonis Samaras)已经宣誓出任希腊总理一职。这位新民主党主席之前向总统帕普利亚斯(Karolos Papoulias)介绍了新一届希腊内阁成员。新上任的总理表示,他在议会中拥有多数,可以组成稳定的联合政府。萨马拉斯领导的政党于上周日的新一轮选举中胜出,参与组建联合政府的还包括泛希腊社会运动党和民主左翼党。对希腊和国际社会达成的财政紧缩协议持反对态度的左翼激进联盟党仍然是该国的在野党。