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Turkish soldiers and officials, wearing black coats, who had been held captive by PKK militants are seen before they are released in the northern Iraqi city of Dohuk, in this March 13, 2013 file photo. Jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan is set to call on his fighters to halt hostilities with Turkey on March 21, 2013 in a peace process which marks the best hope yet of ending a conflict that has killed 40,000 and handicapped the country for decades. REUTERS/Azad Lashkari/Files (IRAQ - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters


一名前库尔德政治家宣布,遭禁的库尔德工人党(PKK)战士本周四(4月25日)起实施撤离土耳其计划。据土耳其媒体周三报道,现为合法的库尔德政党—和平民主党(BDP)议会议员的恩代尔(Sirri Süreyya Önder)称,在库尔德工人党发表声明的当天—4月25日,该党目前在土耳其境内的约1500名武装人员将开始撤走。恩代尔数周来曾多次会晤仍系狱的库尔德工人党前领导人奥贾兰(Abdullah Öcalan)和在伊拉克北部的该党其他领导成员。去年年底起,奥贾兰在狱中同土耳其情报机构就和平解决库尔德冲突问题进行谈判。自1984年冲突爆发以来,已有至少4万人死于暴力。作为终止武装斗争的交换条件,奥贾兰要求安卡拉政府保障库尔德族人在土耳其国家内的权利。上月底,奥贾兰公开呼吁库尔德工人党接受停火、撤出土耳其。

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